1. As per electricity regulation in a mine the length of flexible Conductivity of largest conductor of the cable
  2. 25% of Conductivity of largest conductor of the cable
  3. 50% of Conductivity of largest conductor of the cable
  4. 50% of Conductivity of all power conductors taken together
  1. Manager , Engineer , Electrical Supervisor
  2. Agent .Manager .Engineer
  3. Owner ,Agent .Manager ,Engineer
  4. Owner ,Agent .Manager ,Engineer, Electrical Supervisor ,Asst.manager ,Over man ,Mining Sardar & All other persons connected with use of electricity
  5. All of the above
  1. It shall be earthed
  2. It shall be electrically discharged
  3. Any adjacent conductor/apparatus shall be earth/discharged
  4. All of the above
  5. Only A
  1. Phase to Phase
  2. Phase to Earth
  3. Both of the above
  4. Only A
  5. Only B
  1. Portable Apparatus
  2. Transportable apparatus
  3. Mobile machine
  4. Heavy Earth Moving Machine
  1. Reducing heating effects in equipment
  2. Reduced stresses in circuits/equipments carrying fault current
  3. Reduced shock , burn & fire hazards
  4. All of the above
  1. Once in 4 months
  2. Once in 3 Months
  3. Once in 6 months
  4. Once in a year
  5. None of these
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